Remote control of the IC – 705 with the App SDR Control for Ipad

After some consideration, I decided to make a major investment and purchased SDR Control from the Apple Appstore. (49,99 €) With this software my ICOM IC – 705 can be controlled remotely.

I became aware of the program through an article in the German magazine „Funkamateur“ issue 9/2022. There are also videos from well-known Youtubers like Michael, DL2YMR, Hayden, VK7HH and Matt, M0DQW. The program was written by the well-known programmer Marcus Roskosch DL8MRE. On his website you can also find links to the above mentioned Youtube videos.

As already written: With this software the IC – 705 can be remote controlled from the Ipad. All modes are possible: SSB, CW, FM and even FT8. Only RTTY is not possible.

The control is done via WLAN (WIFI). Either the IC – 705 is integrated in the local network and can be controlled with the Ipad which is in the same network. In addition, there is the possibility that the IC – 705 builds a local acesspoint in which one then logs in with the Ipad. So the combination SDR Control and Ipad can also be used outside the home WLAN, for example, in a POTA Park. That was even the original reason why I bought the program because I wanted to make FT8 in a POTA park and had problems with the cable connection of the PC with the IC – 705 that the ICOM had hung up because I had radiation in the serial cable despite shielding measures.

Here are some pictures of the application:

IC – 705 and SDR Control on the Ipad

The next picture sows the Ipad screen in FT8 mode.

Ipad showing FT8 Stations


There are a couble of tools that come with the application. A band plan, the DX cluster providing DX Cluster information, the well known PSK Reporter, a logbook witch can be exported via either icloud or Email, and callsign lookup with


Tools within the application


This picture shows a completed FT8 QSO with GI7NKK:


A completed FT8 QSO

There is a good operation manual on Marcus webside so it in not that difficult to use the program. I am still learning and hope i will be able to activate a POTA park in FT8 soon.