I am participating in a couble of Ham Radio diplomas. My main focus is of course the ARRL DXCC diploma.
DXCC entities confirmed by DL8ZAJ
Here I will present a summary of confirmed entities reached over the years.
Results on shortwave
As I mentioned before I am QRV on all shortwave bands from 160 meters to 10 meters in CW, SSB and digimode since 1982. Between 1974 and 1982 I was only QRV on VHF and UHF bands in SSB.
The presentations here are my entities for the DXCC awards confirmed with a QSL card in CW RTTY/PSK31 and SSB. There are a couple of QSO in SSTV or AM not listed in this tab. Also, my LOTW confirmations are not listed here.
Confirmed Entities in different Modes (with paper QSL) | |||||||||||
Mode/Band | 160 | 80 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 15 | 12 | 10 | ALL Bands | Remarks |
CW | 84 | 127 | 192 | 54 | 190 | 52 | 202 | 38 | 207 | 1146 | 5 Band DXCC |
RTTY/DIGI | 17 | 48 | 56 | 20 | 92 | 12 | 74 | 2 | 53 | 374 | DXCC |
SSB | 39 | 49 | 59 | — | 90 | 7 | 102 | 7 | 75 | 428 | DXCC |
DXCC Challenge (Not yet claimed) 1948
To see a detailed list of my confirmed entity’s please click DXCC List. (In this list also LOTW confirmations are included)

In 1987 the ARRL issued the Golden Jubilee DXCC. You had to work at least 100 entities during the year 1987. No QSL cards neccesary only a list with the worked entities.

I also worked the QRP DXCC. You have to work at least 100 entities with only 5 watts output or less. I filed a list to ARRL but i am still waiting to get the certificate.

Worked all States WAS
I am also participating in the ARRL WAS diploma. Or at least i try to. After 40 years on shortwave i am still missing 4 states: W7 Idaho (ID), W7 Nevada (NV), W7 Wyoming (WY) and W0 North Dakota (ND). So this diploma ist much more difficult to work from Europe than the DXCC. I traveled to all the missing states and also worked them all but never got a QSL card 🙁
If you live in one of the missing states please i would need a sked in CW!
RSGB Islands on the air IOTA
I am also participating in the IOTA program from RSGB. So far i have confirmed 213 islandgroups.

The German Amateur Radio Club issiues the Worked All Europe WAE Diploma. I worked this one in the mode CW: