CQ Worldwide CW Contest
Last weekend I participated in the CQ WW CW contest. After beginning the contest on 160 meters during the night, the day started very promising: the second QSO after the night’s rest was VK4SN near Brisbane. I had not worked a VK on 10 meters for years. Unfortunately it should remain one of only 10 QSO on 10 meters.
Here are my QSO results:
Band QSOs ZN Cty
1,8 61 5 28
3,5 74 9 34
7 40 8 22
14 41 10 20
21 42 11 14
28 10 4 7
Total 268 47 125
Score : 67.940
I had the usual HF to PC interference problems on 40 meters that resulted in an output of only 50 watts on this band. It is actually only half an S – step compared to 100 watts out but in the contest this is unfortunately noticeable. For instance I tryed to work JA3YBK in his sunset hours but did not manage to work him although he produced a constant S 9 signal on my side of the propagation path.
A you can see in the followig graphics it was only a east western propagation during the contest. No QSO to Africa, South America or the Caribbean.
A map of the worked QSO´s:
Worked DXCC:
All points go to my Contest Club RRDXA.