
Statistics 2023

Statistics 2023

So, the year 2023 is history. Let´s make some statistics:

In the year 2022 i made 1927 QSO on shortwave and VHF / UHF from my home QTH. Thats less than in the years 2021 and 2022.

I made

Band    Number of QSO´s DXCC

160          185                              29

80            161                               29

60             51                                17

40           257                               37

30             59                               29

20           217                               52

17            12                                  9

15           302                                61

12           68                                 35

10          445                                 64

6            69                                   24

4            3                                       1

2           49                                      1

0,7       46                                      5

0,23     3                                       1

Distribution of modes over all bands:

CW     823

SSB     385

FM     1

FT4    0

FT8    332

RTTY  386


According to my Clublog statistics i worked 106 different DXCC Entities